Pantone to DMC & RGB Hex
DMC to Hex DMC to Pantone DMC to Other Thread Pantone to Thread RGB to Thread RGB to Pantone

Pantone to Thread Conversion (RGB, DMC and Others)

Enter the Pantone code to find the most similar DMC, Anchor, Sullivans, J&P Coats and Maxi Mouline Floss and Thread Color
Enter Pantone Code:


PANTONE 17-1417 TP Beaver Fur

  RGB #947563
Red 148
Green 117
Blue 99

RGB #947563

Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.
Color DMC Name DMC Anchor Sullivans J&P Coats Maxi Mouline RGB
Drab Brown 611 898 45144 5898 940 #967656
Shell Gray Dark 451 233 45101 8513 934 #917B73
Mocha Beige Medium 3863 379 45461 5379 894 #A4835C
Beige Gray Very Dark 640 393 45148 5393 936 #857B61
Beige Brown Medium 840 1084 45238 5379 939 #9A7C5C
Beaver Gray Dark 646 8581 45152 8500 920 #877D73
Driftwood 07 233 45101 8513 934 #8F7B6E
The closest match is calculated based on corresponding RGB values. It is not a replacement of color card.

Use this chart only as a guide. Color samples and names for DMC and Pantone may not be identical. The Hex conversion is calculated based on corresponding RGB values to get the closest match.